Sissy Doutsiou is an international multidisciplinary artist residing in Athens, Greece.
Sissy Doutsiou characterized by The Franz Kafka Society from Prague with the following statement “The best Metamorphosis that we have ever seen. Kafka would love Sissy Doutsiou as Gregory Samsa.” Sissy is an actress, spoken word artist, curator, educator, artivist and host. She has hosted and produced numerous intergenerational poetry, spoken word events as well as performed at festivals; including 1st Biennale in Athens, Sardam Literature Festival in Cyprus, Weimar Poetry Award and Vienna Art and Poetry Video Festival. She co-founded and curated the annually International Video Poetry Festival since 2011 and the International Experimental Film Festival since 2023. Sissy was a featured artist for 2019 in Financial Consequences: an International Poetry Festival in London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Sissy will be releasing her first LP, “Insult of Public Modesty” in the Fall of 2025. Sissy's work examines her personal life experiences, social justice issues, and healing through trauma utilizing art as the medium.